Ballet Source Curriculum Samples

Ballet Source Curriculum Samples

Challenge, Nuture, Equip Ballet Students of all ages

Free Curriculum Sample Downloads

So glad you have connected with The Ballet Source! It is my hope that the curriculum resources we provide will help you and your teachers in establishing an easy-to-follow, age-appropriate class structure in your schools. These materials allow ballet teachers to walk into class with a full understanding of what they are teaching, but more importantly, why they are teaching it.

The resources are downloadable to your iPad, other tablet, phone or just on your laptop. You can teach an entire evening of classes without having to carry heavy curriculum books with you to class, plus the corresponding music and lesson plans are also in digital format and are easily accessible from your mobile device.

It is my hope that they help you in the way they’ve helped me. Too many schools operate without a set curriculum for their dancers, but perhaps the Ballet Arts series can be how us teachers, in our digital age, inspire the future’s best ballet dancers.